
I Don't Miss You Anymore - Lisa Ekdahl

丽莎·爱克妲,欧洲当代都会爵士的代表人物、首席爵士女声、瑞典的国宝级歌手。她的嗓音细腻中带有一点淘气,配乐方面也作得非常的轻盈清新,阳光、蓝天、白云等等都是很容易从丽莎·爱克妲的音乐里联想到的场景,即使是《I Don't Miss You Anymore》亦让听得非常舒服。

《I Don't Miss You Anymore》—— Lisa Ekdahl

I don't miss you anymore
Unless the moonlight's grey
Or on a stogy night
I just might miss you
A little bit

I don't miss you anymore
less it's a cloudy day
Or if the sun shines bright
I just might miss you
Not in there

I don't miss you
Till the morning fills the air
Or the afternoon is fair
Or the evening light is barely there

I don't miss you
And you know is not a lie
Unless the moon is floating high
above above the perfect midnight sky

I don't miss you
Till the morning fills the air
Or the afternoon is fair
Or the evening light is barely there

I don't miss you
And you know is not a lie
Unless the moon is floating high
above above the perfect midnight sky

I don't miss you anymore
Unless i close my eyes
Especially open wide
I see i miss you every day
