
《Down The Years I Travelled》——Allan Taylor



有些歌还是要有阅历的人唱的才有感觉,像是对你轻轻地诉说着那些年他的故事。吉他娴熟高超的Allan Taylor这首歌采用的是钢琴配乐,不过,感觉钢琴琴键高低起落的伴奏,更能衬托出他浅吟低唱的倾诉。(博客曾收录过他的《The Stranger》。)


Allan Taylor是英国享有极其崇高地位的民谣诗人,有着歌手、吉他手、音乐家、诗人等多重身分,演奏生涯超过三十年之久。

轻柔、稳重、温暖而抒情,Allan Taylor和煦的歌声与纯熟的吉他技巧,搭配其它优秀乐手的简单乐器伴奏,特别适合夜深人静的时候轻松欣赏。录音精致、清澈而透明。

60年代就已红便英国民谣乐坛的Allan Taylor,以吉他和民谣风征服了英国及爱尔兰,他的乐风影响了Dire Straitv、Fairport Convention、Steeleye Span等民谣摇滚巨将,他在乐坛的地位是无庸置疑的。他的演奏生涯超过三十年。



《Down The Years I Travelled》——Allan Taylor


Down the years I travelled,all the roads I saw

Life was changed forever from all that went before

A young man on his journey,I was one of the favoured few

Driving into the distance,coming into the new

I was coming into the new

Every city,town and highway became a home to me

To walk the streets and byways was where I had to be

And some chance conversation in any downtown bar

Became another travelling sone played on my guitar

I played on my guitar

The memories are with me still,but the days are passed and gone

I'm looking to the road ahead with a new day coming on

Maybe there are songs to come,maybe some will fall behind

I will leave them by the roadside for someone else to find

For someone else to find

Now the roads have come together and led me to this place

Some have gone forever and some have left a trace

It's coming 'round full circle to where it all began

I've got my songs and my guitar,and it's time to travel on

It's time to travel on