
Just Hold Me - Maria Mena

Maria Mena于1986年2月19日出生于挪威艺术世家,母亲是舞台剧作家,父亲是鼓手。这对浪漫而艺术气息浓厚的夫妻甚至连儿女的名字都根据名剧West Side Story西城故事的男女主角而命名Maria和Tony。受到父亲的影响,Maria从小就接触喜爱音乐,父母离婚带给9岁的Maria极大的冲击和心理伤害,13岁搬去和父亲居住的Maria用唱歌和歌词创作当作舒发心灵的治疗。

凭借着天生那份罕见的音乐天赋,Maria Mena在自己的音乐创作中即唱又写还演奏,充分展现着其卓越的音乐才华。生活中的经历是Maria Mena音乐创作来源,她的音乐歌唱的是那起伏不定的青春情感。Maria Mena的音乐明晰透彻,毫无娇柔之态。"我不想隐藏什么,我希望自己能很坦诚直率地对自己。而且我写自己想听的歌,那些勾起某些情感的歌”


《Just Hold Me》—— Maria Mena

Comfortable as I am
I need your reassurance
And comfortable as you are
You count the days
But if I wanted silence
I would whisper
And if I wanted loneliness
I'd choose to go
And if I liked rejection
I'd audition
And if I didn't love you
You would know
And why can't you just hold me
And how come it is so hard
And do you like to see me broken
And why do I still care
Still care

You say you see the light now
At the end of this narrow hall
I wish it didn't matter
I wish I didn't give you all
But if I wanted silence
I would whisper
And if I wanted loneliness
I'd choose to go
And if I liked rejection
I'd audition
And if I didn't love you
You would know
And why can't you just hold me
And how come it is so hard
And do you like to see me broken
And why do I still care
Poor little misunderstood baby
No one likes a sad face
But I can't remember life without him
I think I did have good days
I think I did have good days
And Why ....
Why can't you just hold me
And how come it is so hard
And do you like to see me broken
And why do I still care
